Saturday, March 10, 2012

Geek Girl Con

I just learned the Bitch Magazine website that there is something called GeekGirlCon, which according to the website is "dedicated to recognizing the contribution of women in all aspects of geek culture."  A feminist Comic Con?  Badass!  The convention is happening in Seattle, August 11-12.  

I love that the idea of crossplay (crossdressing+cosplay) is gaining popularity.  I went as Superman for Halloween when I was really little.  My mom used to tell stories about how I insisted I had to be Superman, not Wonder Woman or Supergirl.  I need to track down some of the photos, because I've never seen any other pictures of me as a child where I look that happy. 

So imagine my face when I saw this:

I LOVE THINKGEEK.  Seriously.  They have an entire line of "lazy crossplay" tees that I want.

Batman Costume Tee

And for those who prefer their lazy cosplay to feature female superheroes:

And as the daughter of two Trekkies, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention this:

Yes.  I love it all.  I also adore their models.

Hooray for Geek Girls!

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