Saturday morning I went to check on him and he was barely moving or breathing. I put him next to Darcy (our female rabbit) for comfort while we made an emergency appointment with the vet.
Before we could take him in, he started having spasms and passed away. He went completely limp, and I held his body and petted his fur for the last time. I started to cry. I had to leave for yoga teacher training shortly after that, but Richard was on my mind the whole day.
My fella buried him in the garden and made a lovely headstone to remember him by.
Rabbits are wonderful creatures, so it makes sense that they're a common motif in fashion and decorating. Here are a few lovely lagomorphs to honor Richard's memory. With Easter coming up soon(ish), rabbit raiments are in season.
I love the simplicity of white sketch lines on a pure black shirt.
I always love a bit of whimsy. A rabbit in a top hat and monocle? He's a fancy fancy rabbit! Guaranteed to make me smile. I found this bag on Etsy. This design is also printed on a few items, including this striped t-shirt dress:
The seller is Deadworry, and the shop has lots of cute screen-printed items, including ones featuring jellyfish! I'm definitely going to do a fashion feature on jellyfish very soon, because I love them dearly.
I love the details in the fur and the stone eyes of this gorgeous rabbit ring. It was another Etsy find. It's also available in silver:
If you want to buy someone a rabbit for Easter, stick to one of the fashion choices above, because real rabbits are a huge commitment. Or you can spring (haha) for a robotic rabbit:
Voice-activated! Lots of ear positions! You can link it with another one far away and they'll act as twinsies! Over 400 apps! Doesn't poo everywhere (or anywhere)! Whee!
Speaking of "whee," I'll end end with something wee and squee:
Aww. Bunnies are awesome.
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